Physico-chemical properties of copolymers based on methyl methacrylate and fluoroalkylacrylates.
copolymer, coralcalcium, methyl methacrylate, the glass transition temperature, swellingAbstract
In the process of radical copolymerization of 1,1,3-trihydroperfluoropentanol, 1,1,5-trihydroperfluoropentanol, 1,1,5-trihydroperfluoropentanol with methyl methacrylate the rate of reaction and the composition of copolymer significantly depend on the associative nature of peralkylates. Dependence of the rate of copolymerization of the composition of the initial monomer mixture is interpreted in terms of the model about the associates-the blanks, in which the mutual arrangement of the molecules of the monomer is favorable for the growth response of the polymer chain. The experimentally determined composition of copolymers were used to calculate copolymerization constants in the temperature range of 65–90 °C by the Mayo–Lewis method. At low temperatures, the copolymer is enriched by the fluorinated component, at higher values the azeotrope is observed. The equilibrium swelling degree of the synthesized copolymers in physiological solution at 37 °C varies between 0.04–0.48 %. The glass transition temperature of the copolymers depending on the composition is in the range of 72–86 °СReferences
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