Evolution of conductometry approach to quaternary ammonium salts behavior determination in solutions.


  • K.S. Yutilova Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса, м. Вінниця, Україна
  • O.M. Shved Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса, м. Вінниця, Україна




conductivity, conductometry, quaternary ammonium salts, ion pairs, association constant


The conductometric method was examined as a way to determine ion equilibrium constants in electrolyte solutions. Problematical character of conductivity determination of salts in non-aqueous media was specified. Ion association models and conductivity data mathematical processing methods from classic to modern were characterized. Comparative analysis of particle state determination presented by using Kraus – Bray, Fuoss – Kraus, Lee – Wheaton equations. The adequacy of the models was illustrated by the experimental examples. Correlations between limiting molar conductivity and properties of electrolyte and solvent were analyzed. Quaternary ammonium salts tendency to association in organic solvents, in particular to ion pairs and triplets formation, was shown. Electrolyte solution conductivity theory development was concerned as promising scientific direction for creating a versatile and reliable ion interaction model in solution.


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