Author Guidelines
1. Major provisions
The editorial board of "Bulletin of Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. Series Chemical Sciences" invites authors to publish their previously unpublished original research results and review articles in analytical, inorganic, organic, physical and colloidal, quantum and structural chemistry, biochemistry, medical and pharmaceutical chemistry, chemistry of macromolecular compounds, polymers and composites, nanochemistry, carbon chemistry, materials science, chemical ecology, agrochemistry, and chemical education.
The volume of the manuscript, as a rule, should not exceed 20 pages of text, including figures, tables, references (in case of review articles – up to 40 pages). Page format – A4. Layout of the article should comply with the rules given below.
All the manuscripts are peer-reviewed. Articles that do not correspond to the scope of the journal, do not satisfy the requirements below or contain plagiarism will be rejected.
The editorial board reserves the right to edit manuscripts and return articles to authors for revision and correction.
Publication is free of charge.
2. List of documents to be submitted
- cover letter from the organization where the work was done;
- full text of the article with tables and figures, provided after their first mentioning, and a list of references, named manuscript_Author (the file name should contain the first author's surname);
- information about authors named authors_Author;
- figures as separate files named figure1, figure2, etc. (format *.tiff, *.bmp, *.jpeg, etc.), as well as images available for editing;
- names of two potential reviewers from outside organizations (containing full name, affiliation and e‑mail of each reviewer).
Electronic versions of documents should be sent to the editorial board of the journal at bulletin‑
3. Requirements for the manuscript arrangement
Article structure
- the article title should be informative, abbreviations are not allowed, except for commonly used ones; bold uppercase font, center alignment, no hyphenation;
- initials and surnames of the authors;
- full name of the organization where the work was done, its location (city and country). If there are several organizations, upper indices a, b, c… should be placed before the name of the organization and after the correspondence author's surname;
- e-mail of the corresponding author;
- abstract and keywords;
- main text of the article divided into sections: introduction (theoretical analysis), experimental part, results and discussion, conclusions;
- acknowledgements (if any);
- references.
Abstract of more than 1800 symbols should be informative, reflecting the main content of the article: the tasks of the research, methods used, results, and conclusions. The Abstract should not repeat the title of the article.
Keywords (from 3 to 8).
Text of the article
The text of the manuscript should be prepared in MS Word (*.doc/*.docx).
Page options: mirror margins, 2 cm each, gutter 0 cm.
Times New Roman font, size 14 pt, justified alignment; 1.5 line spacing. First line indent should be 1.25 cm except for the text with centered alignment.
The text of the article should not contain hyphenation, blank lines, extra spaces, tabs, page breaks, and intervals before and after paragraphs.
Page numbers should be placed at the bottom of the page in the center.
Figures and tables should be given in the text after their first mentioning.
Figures should be attached as separate *.tiff, *.bmp, *.jpeg, and other types of files. They should be placed in the manuscript after their first mentioning and numbered accordingly (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, ...). The elements of complex figures should be additionally referenced by letters a, b, c... Figures should be black and white or gray, 300 dpi. Graphs should not contain the grid lines, while axes should have concise and clear captions.
Each figure should have a caption (not merged with the drawing), with justified alignment on the page (Figure 1. Name).
Text information in the figure should be clear and legible. Additional information should be placed under the figure caption. The height of letters and numbers in the figure should not be less than 2 mm in case the figure was scaled up. All lines should not be less than 0.25 pt.
Tables should be created in MS Word and placed in the text of the article after their first mentioning. Table headings (Table 1. Name) should be placed above the tables and have centered alignment. Notes to tables should be placed under the tables and have justified alignment.
Alignment in the table cells should be centered, heightwise, no indent of the first line.
Formulas, terms and units of measurement
Mathematical formulas and their components should be typed using Microsoft Equation 3.0 or other formula editor. Formulas should have consecutive numbering in parentheses on the right (with reference in the text to the numbered formula).
The chemical formulas should be created using ChemSketch, ChemDraw and other software, Times New Roman font.
All terms, notions, symbols must be universally used.
Units of measurements should be given according to SI system.
The reference to the source should be given in square brackets in the text of the article. The list of references is given at the end of the article in the order of their mentioning. Unpublished materials should not be referenced.
The list of references should be made in accordance with the American Chemical Society style (with titles and DOI, sentence case) international standard. Rules and examples are available at:
It is also possible to automatically create references according to the international standards using online resources,, etc. (choosing the American Chemical Society style (with titles and DOI, sentence case) or bibliographic managers such as Mendeley, Zotero.